2008年8月13日 星期三

[VOA] When a Stroke Is Silent

When a Stroke Is Silent


stroke : if someone has a stroke, an artery in their brain syddenly bursts or becomes blocked, so that they may die or be unable to use some muscles

Ischemic stroke, 標示解釋. 釋義. Dr.Eye. ph. 【醫】缺血性中風. "Ischemic stroke"

hemorrhagic stroke : 出血性腦中風

bleed : the condition of losing blood from your body

clot : if a liquid such as blood or milk clots, or if something clots it, it becomes thicker and more solid

suffer : to experience physical or mental pain

magnetic : concerning or produced by magnetism

magnetism : the physical force that makes two metal objects pull toward each other or push each other apart

resonance : the resonance of a sound is its quality of being deep and loud and continuing for a long time

inspect : to examine something carefully in order to find out more about it or to find out what is wrong with it

tissue : a piece of soft thin paper, used especially for blowing your nose on

cerebral : relating to or affecting your brain

infarction 梗塞

Atrial fibrillation 心房纖維顫動

diabetes : a serious disease in which there is too much sugar in your blood


