2008年7月29日 星期二

[VOA] Dr. Michael DeBakey's Long and Productive Life

Dr. Michael DeBakey's Long and Productive Life

Dr. Michael DeBakey 是位偉大的醫生,在7/11過世(在他過完100歲生日的後兩週),一生直到死都為了病人努力。他的病人中有很多位總統。他是開心臟手術的先驅。從小就很好學。


invent : to make, design, or think of a new type of thing

roller pump : ???

transfusion : the process of putting blood from one person's body into the body of someone else as a medical treatment

heart-lung machine : a machine that pumps blood and oxygen around someone's body during a medical operation

organ : a part of the body, such as the heart or lungs, that has a particular purpose

chest : the front part of your body between your neck and your stomach

Lebanese : a country in the Middle East on the Mediterranean Sea, between Israel and Syria.

immigrant : someone who enters another country to live there permanently

sew : to use a needle and thread to make or repair clothes or to fasten something such as a button to them

needle : a small thin piece of steel, with a point at one end and a hole in the other, used for sewing

steel : strong metal that can be shaped easily, consisting of iron and carbon

carbon : It is a chemical element: symbol C

thread : a long thin string of cotton, silk etc used to sew or weave cloth

silk : a thin smooth soft cloth made from very thin thread which is produced by a silkworm

weave : to make cloth, a carpet, a basket etc by crossing threads or thin pieces under and over each other by hand or on a    loom

fasten : to join together the two sides of a coat, shirt, bag etc so that it is closed

polyester : an artificial material used to make cloth

artificial : not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural

heart bypass operation : an operation to direct blood through new veins (=blood tubes) outside the heart because the veins in the heart are blocked or diseased

vessel : a vein in your body

vein : one of the tubes which carries blood to your heart from other parts of your body

Dacron : a type of cloth that is not made from natural materials

stretchy : material that is stretchy can stretch when you pull it and then return to its original shape

man-made : not natural

graft : a piece of healthy skin or bone taken from someone's body and put in or on another part of their body that has been damaged

transplant : to move an organ, piece of skin etc from one person's body and put it into another as a form of medical treatment

revolutionize : to completely change the way people do something or think about something

supervise : to be in charge of an activity or person, and make sure that things are done in the correct way

separation : when something separates or is separate

award : something such as a prize or money given to someone to reward them for something they have done

reward : something that you get because you have done something good or helpful or have worked hard

aorta : the largest    artery    that takes blood away from your heart

surgeon : a doctor who does operations in a hospital

burial : the act or ceremony of putting a dead body into a    grave

grave : the place in the ground where a dead body is buried


2008年7月25日 星期五

[Aesop's-Fables] The Wolf and the Lamb

Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when, looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down.

‘There’s my supper,’thought he, ‘if only I can find some excuse to seize it.’

Then he called out to the Lamb,

‘How dare you muddle the water from which I am drinking?’
‘Nay, master, nay,’ said Lambikin;

‘if the water be muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me.’

‘Well, then,’ said the Wolf, ‘why did you call me bad names this time last year?’
‘That cannot be,’ said the Lamb; ‘I am only six months old.’
‘I don’t care,’ snarled the Wolf; ‘if it was not you it was your father;’

and with that he rushed upon the poor little Lamb and ate her all up. But before she died she gasped out.

‘Any excuse will serve a tyrant.’



This story told us that don't talk to the stranger!

The stranger always stop you as possible as he can. If somebody wants to stop you, don't talk with him. If he talks continued, just run away.

Oh,  no.

The main topic of this story is ‘Any excuse will serve a tyrant.’

Tyrant just do what he wants to do. Nodody can stop him. Don't try to against him unless you are more powered than him.



lamb : a young sheep

lap : if water laps something or laps against something such as the shore or a boat, it moves against it or hits it in small waves

spring : a place where water comes up naturally from the ground

supper : the meal that you have in the early evening [= dinner]

seize : to take hold of something suddenly and violently [= grab]

violently : with a lot of force in a way that is very difficult to control

how dare you : said to show that you are very angry and shocked about what someone has done or said

muddle : to put things in the wrong order

nay : used to say no

muddy : confused and not clear

snarl : if an animal snarls, it makes a low angry sound and shows its teeth [↪ growl]

rush : to move very quickly, especially because you need to be somewhere very soon [= hurry]

gasp : to breathe in suddenly in a way that can be heard, especially because you are surprised or in pain

tyrant : a ruler who has complete power and uses it in a cruel and unfair way


2008年7月23日 星期三

[Aesop's-Fables] The Cock and the Pearl

A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he espied something shinning amid the straw. 'Ho! ho!' quoth he,'that's for me,' and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw. What did it turn out to be but a Pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard? 'You may be a treasure,' quoth Master Cock, 'to men that prize you, but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn than a peck of pearls.'
Precious things are for those that can prize them.



If you can find something that is variable for others, you will be prized to them.

Just like this cock.

In the world, people usually earn much momey by find out Pearl.

Who is a winner who can root out the pearl from beneath the straw.

A lot of people can not find it out, until others successful.

Just like the Master Cock.



cock : an adult male chicken [= rooster BrE; ↪ hen]

pearl : a small round white object that forms inside an oyster, and is a valuable jewel

oyster : a type of shellfish that can be eaten cooked or uncooked, and that produces a jewel called a pearl

          the world is your oyster used to tell someone that they can achieve whatever they want

strut : to walk proudly with your head high and your chest pushed forwards, showing that you think you are important

hen : an adult female chicken

espy : to suddenly see someone or something [= spy]

amid : among or surrounded by things

straw : the dried stems of wheat or similar plants that animals sleep on, and that are used for making things such as baskets, hats etc

stem : the long thin part of a plant, from which leaves, flowers, or fruit grow [= stalk]

quoth : quoth I/he/she etc    a way of saying 'I said', 'he said' etc

root something out : to find something by searching for it

beneath : in or to a lower position than something, or directly under something [= underneath]

treasure : someone who is very useful or important to you

prize : to think that someone or something is very important or valuable

barley : a plant that produces a grain used for making food or alcohol

peck : an action in which a bird pecks someone or something with its beak


2008年7月17日 星期四

[VOA] Much About Mulch

Much About Mulch

mulch 是種對農夫們很重要的東西,他可以讓土壤變得更適合種植。



mulch : a substance such as decaying leaves that you put on the soil to improve its quality, to protect the roots of plants, or to stop weeds growing

substance : a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas

decay : to be slowly destroyed by a natural chemical process, or to make something do this

soil : the top layer of the earth in which plants grow

weed : a wild plant growing where it is not wanted that prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly

organic : relating to farming or gardening methods of growing food without using artificial chemicals, or produced or grown by these methods

waste : unwanted materials or substances that are left after you have used something

maize : a tall plant with large yellow seeds that grow together on a cob (=long hard part), and which are cooked and eaten as a vegetable [= corn American English]

cob : the hard part of a corn plant that the yellow seeds grow on

conservation : the protection of natural things such as animals, plants, forests etc, to prevent them being spoiled or destroyed [= preservation; ↪ conserve]

spoil : to have a bad effect on something so that it is no longer attractive, enjoyable, useful etc [= ruin]

tillage : the activity of preparing land for growing crops

break down : to fail or stop working in a successful way

nutrient : a chemical or food that provides what is needed for plants or animals to live and grow

earthworm : a common type of long thin brown worm that lives in soil

organism : an animal, plant, human, or any other living thing

tree bark : the outer covering of a tree

thick : if something is thick, there is a large distance or a larger distance than usual between its two opposite surfaces or sides [≠ thin]

barrier : a physical object that keeps two areas, people etc apart

autumn : fall American English [uncountable and countable]  the season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes cooler

moderate : to make something less extreme or violent, or to become less extreme or violent

extreme : very unusual and severe or serious

violent : involving actions that are intended to injure or kill people, by hitting them, shooting them etc


[VOA] Bill Gates Steps Aside at Microsoft

Bill Gates Steps Aside at Microsoft


threatens : to say that you will cause someone harm or trouble if they do not do what you want

early on : at an early stage in a relationship, process etc

advertising : the activity or business of advertising things on television, in newspapers etc

struggle : to try extremely hard to achieve something, even though it is very difficult

overestimate : to think something is better, more important etc than it really is [≠ underestimate]

shareholder : someone who owns shares in a company or business

charity : an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor, sick etc


[VOA] Debating Eighth-Grade Graduations

Debating Eighth-Grade Graduations

因為 eigth grade 讓很多人覺得這個學歷就夠了,因此有人提出不要辦畢業典禮

kindergartens : a school or class for children aged five

preschool : a school for children between two and five years of age [= kindergarten British English]

popularity : when something or someone is liked or supported by a lot of people

take part : to be involved in an activity, sport, event etc with other people

criticism : remarks that say what you think is bad about someone or something [≠ praise]

prom : American English a formal dance party for high school students, often held at the end of a school year

critic : someone whose job is to make judgments about the good and bad qualities of art, music, films etc [= reviewer]

presidential : relating to a president

campaign : a series of actions intended to achieve a particular result relating to politics or business, or a social improvement

democratic : organized according to the principle that everyone has a right to be involved in making decisions

senator : a member of the Senate or a senate(=the smaller and more important of the two parts of the government with the power to make laws, in countries such as the US, Australia, and France)

remind : to make someone remember something that they must do

promotion : a move to a more important job or position in a company or organization

ceremony : an important social or religious event, when a traditional set of actions is performed in a formal way [↪ ceremonial]

superintendent : superintendent of schools someone who is in charge of all the schools in a particular area in the US

Buffalo : a port at the northeast end of Lake Erie near Niagara Falls in the state of New York, in the US

urge : to strongly suggest that someone does something

district : an area of a town or the countryside, especially one with particular features

celebrate : to show that an event or occasion is important by doing something special or enjoyable [↪ celebration]

overreact : to react to something with too much emotion, or by doing something that is unnecessary

recognition : the act of realizing and accepting that something is true or important


[VOA] Safety Checklist

Safety Checklist Aims to Reduce Mistakes in Surgery

總之就是 checklist 很重要。

checklist 要有三點:
1. 麻醉前確認病人與手術
2. 下刀前所有人報姓名與工作 (確認是否在手術前一小時施打抗生素避免感染 <== 完全沒聽出來 XD)
3. 手術後檢查所有東西,不要留棉花在病人體內

injuries : a wound or damage to part of your body caused by an accident or attack

complication : a medical problem or illness that happens while someone is already ill and makes treatment more difficult

agency : an organization or department, especially within a government, that does a specific job

infection : a disease that affects a particular part of your body and is caused by bacteria or a virus

society : an organization or club with members who share similar interests, aims etc

ministry : a government department that is responsible for one of the areas of government work, such as education or health

landing : if a plane, bird, or insect lands, it moves safely down onto the ground [≠ take off]

administer (verb) : to manage the work or money of a company or organization

anesthesia : the usual American spelling of anaesthesia(= 1. the use of anaesthetics in medicine 2. the state of being unable to feel pain)

antibiotic : a drug that is used to kill bacteria and cure infections

drop in : a reduction in the amount, level, or number of something, especially a large or sudden one [= fall]

nationwide : happening or existing in every part of the country
